The world's largest LEGO® cruise ship, built fr...
The world's largest LEGO® cruise ship, built from more than 2.5 million bricks To commemorate the release of the new, 18-deck 152-ton World Dream cruise ship, the Hong Kong-based travel...
The world's largest LEGO® cruise ship, built fr...
The world's largest LEGO® cruise ship, built from more than 2.5 million bricks To commemorate the release of the new, 18-deck 152-ton World Dream cruise ship, the Hong Kong-based travel...

Impressive LEGO® sculptures that will delight you
Impressive LEGO® sculptures that will delight you This article is more like a gallery of the most incredible sculptures built with LEGO® bricks.
Impressive LEGO® sculptures that will delight you
Impressive LEGO® sculptures that will delight you This article is more like a gallery of the most incredible sculptures built with LEGO® bricks.

Chevrolet unveiled a full-size 2019 Silverado b...
Chevrolet unveiled a full-size 2019 Silverado built from LEGO® at the US auto show In this article you will see some photos of this insane project as well as video.
Chevrolet unveiled a full-size 2019 Silverado b...
Chevrolet unveiled a full-size 2019 Silverado built from LEGO® at the US auto show In this article you will see some photos of this insane project as well as video.

One guy got a dream job: playing LEGO® fulltime!
One guy got a dream job: playing LEGO® fulltime! Yes, he is receiving monthly wage as well! But it’s not easy to get such a job!
One guy got a dream job: playing LEGO® fulltime!
One guy got a dream job: playing LEGO® fulltime! Yes, he is receiving monthly wage as well! But it’s not easy to get such a job!

FREE LEGO® The Lord of the Rings Game key for S...
FREE LEGO® The Lord of the Rings Game key for Steam Humble Store handing out LEGO® The Lord of the Rings Game for free for a limited time!
FREE LEGO® The Lord of the Rings Game key for S...
FREE LEGO® The Lord of the Rings Game key for Steam Humble Store handing out LEGO® The Lord of the Rings Game for free for a limited time!

LEGO® sets leak unveiled the details of the upc...
LEGO® sets leak unveiled the details of the upcoming Avengers 4: Endgame movie Bonus: Avengers: Endgame Trailer in LEGO®
LEGO® sets leak unveiled the details of the upc...
LEGO® sets leak unveiled the details of the upcoming Avengers 4: Endgame movie Bonus: Avengers: Endgame Trailer in LEGO®