Swedish inventor creates LEGO photo booth for her dog - LAminifigs

Swedish inventor creates LEGO photo booth for her dog

Swedish inventor creates LEGO photo booth for her dog | LAMINIFIGS.com

Simone Giertz, known for making useless pet robots, made a photo booth for her dog. 

Known on the Internet as " the queen of shitty robots" Simone Giertz made a photo booth for her dog. Moreover, as a material, she needed nothing more than a Lego Mindstorm designer (a designer for assembling robots that can walk). Simona tweeted about her invention:



The photo booth is equipped with a pedal. Each time the dog presses on it, the camera's shutter is activated. For pressing the pedal, the dog gets a treat. Scraps (that's the name of the dog) was, of course, pleased, but most of all she liked just lying in the booth. Among other things, the cabin has a sign and a small curtain - everything as it should be. Well, what could be nicer? All this made an impression on the readers, and they did not skimp on compliments to the pet. Simone even had to shoot a thank-you video on behalf of the main character.



The Lego company has already noted the inventor in its official account, to which the readers immediately recommended to cooperate more with Giertz in the name of cool inventions. In the meantime, the partnership is still under discussion, let's once again admire the result of Simone's coolest project.

Swedish inventor creates LEGO photo booth for her dog | LAMINIFIGS.com

Swedish inventor creates LEGO photo booth for her dog | LAMINIFIGS.com

Simone has her own Youtube channel, where she often uploads various inventions. Feel free to pass by and check the content.

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