A designer from Guangzhou built Beijing's Forbidden City from 700,000 LEGO pieces - LAminifigs

A designer from Guangzhou built Beijing's Forbidden City from 700,000 LEGO pieces

Lego Forbidden City 700,000 pieces China | Laminifigs

The work demonstrates the spirit of the Chinese people and their identity to the whole world.

In China, an enthusiast built an exact copy of the famous monument of history and architecture - the Forbidden City. According to local media reports, it took Li Zhining about a year and more than seven hundred thousand LEGO pieces to build an exact copy of the monument.

Li Zhining called his project "I am a Chinese", in his opinion, this work will demonstrate to the whole world the spirit of the Chinese people and their originality.

The miniature includes 70 palaces and about nine thousand other buildings. Zhining admits that it took far from all the Lego that he has to create the object - the young man still has 11 tons of plastic bricks.

Check the video below to see the whole project with your eyes.

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